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طبعا لازم... إذا لبست قميص وبنطلون لازم تلبس كرفتة، هذه سياسة اللباس هنا
6ab3an laazim...id'aa labista qamee9 wa ban6aloon laazim tilbas karafettah, had'ih siyaasat allibaas hunaa
Of course you must... If you wore a shirt and trousers then you must wear a tie, this is the dress policy here
ياخي هذا من سياسة الشركة. ما نعطي تخفيضات هنا
Yaa7'ee had'aa min siyaasat asharekah. Maa na36y ta7'fee9'aat hina
Brother this is the company's policy. We don't give discounts here