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Human Rights

March 19th, 2011 1 comment
Everyone should be, but unfortunately are not, entitled to fundamental human rights. This problem has contributed to the recent uprisings across the Arab world. In this video podcast, you will hear a prominent figure from the Arab world talk about this subject, and ArabicPod will break down the vocabulary.



March 11th, 2011 1 comment
The uprisings all over the Arab world have prompted us to produce this video so that you will be able to understand some of the most used terms around these events.

TV Tunes – Moody and Mooda

February 8th, 2011 1 comment
In today's episode of TV Tunes, we go through a short animation about a boy trying to get attention from his family who are all busy with their own errands. Watching the clip is like a theatrical musical experience, except you will learn plenty of Arabic along the way.

Buying Hummus and Falafel

October 29th, 2010 1 comment
In this video podcast we teach you how to order two of the Middle East’s famous dishes, Hummus and Falafel. This is quite an easy and quick lesson so don’t miss it.

The Arabic Alphabet

October 20th, 2010 1 comment
We went out in the great city of London for the day to ask various people to pronounce the Arabic letters. Be sure to watch the outtakes. Enjoy!

Intro to Arabic in 60 seconds

September 24th, 2010 1 comment
This is our attempt at introducing the Arabic language to the mass in 60 seconds. For those who don't know anything about Arabic, the clip should give you some good insight into the language. Enjoy :-)

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Assalamu alikum, The last example you gave...
Inadvertently there are two mistakes in th...
Marhaba! Dear hosts, please tell me where...
Guys, while this was funny it contained in...