Hi Tomes, Glad you enjoyed the lesson. Initially it can be hard to remember all the family names, for example 3am for uncle (from the dad’s side) and 7’al for uncle (from the mum’s side) but there are advantages in that you will know exactly which side of the family they’re from. I will try to produce a doc with all the names and post it in the forums.
Keep it up!
saazuro khalati fel amerika bokra? i am visiting my aunt in america tommoro? is that right?
It is right, but (fel Amerika في الأميركا) should be (fee Amerika في أمريكا). Countries that have non-Arabic names don't take (Al ال).
the picture of auntie is hilarious. thanks you guys for a fun way of teaching arabic to us!
well done....
it's a blessing that i found this site -
As far as I know Arabic verbs have only 2 tenses, one for the past and another for both the present & future. And the participle # sawf # or the prefix # sa- # are used in order to leave no doubt when the future tense is intended.
My question is whether it's OK to omit them in the dialogue of this lesson, that is to say #Yazooruna...# & #Hal ya2ty...#?
Shukran -
I remember coming across such way of saying future tense if a word like 3'adan (tomorrow) comes after it, so 3'adan will be the indicator, i.e. (yazooruna A7mad 3'adan). But I would not recommend it as it is not common at all.
how to say he will come with me in arabic
How to say "Zaynab will be visiting us tomorrow". Here, will there be any difference since the one who is visiting us is a female instead of a male?
Oh, sorry, "Yazur" is the verb here. So there is no addition to it instead of "Sa" in the beginning and "Na" in the end. But how do we say "She will be visiting us tomorrow" or "He will be visiting us tomorrow"?
@ mariagul, just use (ma3ee - with me) instead of (ma3ahu - with him) which was used in the dialogue. So (he will come with me) means(saya2ty ma3ee). Hope that simplifies it.
@ cebrax, your analysis of the verb is correct. Remember (yazooru) means (he visits) and (tazooru) means (she visits). Of course you know adding (sa) at the beginning makes it future tense verb, and adding (na) at the end makes us the object. So (satazooruna) means (she will visit us).
Based on that, the sentence (Zainab will be visiting us tomorrow) in Arabic is (satazooruna Zainab 3'adan). -
@Ehab, thank you for the detailed explanation :)
Beginner - Auntie is coming
July 24th, 2007 | 1 comment |
What does auntie mean? And what does uncle mean? How to ask about your visitors and how to greet them. Tune in and enjoy the lesson.
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Another great one. I think that family is very difficult in Arabic due to the very familial nature of the society. Similar to Chinese... they have a distinct word for maternal/paternal relatives! Hard to remember. Perhaps a list of all those words like grandson, nephew, cousin, uncle etc. will be great when you guys have time!
P.S. London was great!