لا، البنت البحرية
:D -
يسمي مريانو
Spanish masculine form for مريم
ولكن ما معنه مريم؟
لا اعرف. تعرفين؟
سلام لك -
Is it correctly written?
Baby lion = شيبل
Female lion = لبع
Female horse = فرص -
Hey saramuslimah
You just got some letters incorrect, here is the correct way of writing those words:
Baby lion = شبل
Female lion = لبؤة
Female horse = فرس
Good try though. Hope that helps. -
Shukran. I am new to arabic, so trying to learn to write as well as i am learning to speak arabic. You guys are very good teachers, i enjoy every lesson.
Beginner - Meaning of your name
March 2nd, 2016 | 1 comment |
In Arabic every name usually has a meaning, and it is sometimes interesting finding out the meaning of a particular name. Tune in to learn how to ask someone what their name means and how to give an answer.
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But I'm not sure how to write ma'nah)